
October 28, 2011

Book Review: My (not so) Storybook Life

I met Liz four years ago at Mabel's House, shortly after starting my own blog. I was drawn in by her unique decorating style and her her uncanny ability for telling witty stories about her every day life adventures. Liz has amazing taste and sense of style - she's even been featured with Better Homes & Garden!

Maybe when you've read someone's blog for years, you feel as if you really know them. And though a "blog-friend" is quite different than a "real-life" friend, there is something unique about that kind of bond. We are connected through writing. The writing is what brings us together really - the need to, the longing to, and the desire to just write what is in our hearts because we feel like we must.

Earlier this year, Liz wrote a book and it officially hit the shelves last week. I've been so excited about it that I actually cried on Monday when it arrived on my doorstep. I don't know Liz in "real-life" but I do know just a taste of what having this book published means to her and her story.

Perhaps I'm biased, (I kind of doubt it though) but seriously - the book is outstanding. I laughed (and quite literally) out loud. Liz identifies with characters in some of our most favorite literary reads too - Juliet, Scarlett O'Hara and Marianne Dashwood - just to name a few. It's quite clever really. And I don't want to give anything away, but there is a wedgie incident that had me rolling with laughter.

You probably don't want to miss out on that. Because if anything, who doesn't love a good wedgie story?

But not only did I laugh, I cried too. It's a touching and true story about a real relationship. Her book tells a beautiful tale of how the beginning and the ending of a friendship forever changed her life and her faith. And Liz made me feel like a normal woman. She offered me a fresh perspective, that frankly, I needed for my own self when it comes to how I feel about measuring up to being this wife-mom-homemaker-woman that I thought I was supposed to be by now. All this to say, the story is not just humorous; it is thought-provoking, heartbreaking and inspiring.

You can order My (not so) Storybook Life by Elizabeth Owen from Amazon. So go there, do it! Buy it! And if you're thinking about what to get your favorite girlfriend for a Christmas gift, this book would be ideal. I'm planning on doing that very thing for a few of my own besties.

The book is great, because Liz is great. She tells her story with honesty, humor and authenticity. I loved it and I think you might too.

*You can read more about Elizabeth Owen, blogger and now published author, at Mabel's House.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a really good read Jenn! I will put it on my reading wish list!

