
October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Patching

It was a cloudy and breezy day today, so we decided to see if we could chase down autumn. Since our last pumpkin patch related outing got rained out, we decided to have another go-round. We found a different pumpkin patch in town with some fun activities to do so we made our way out there late this morning.
As we planned our day, I was reminded of a post I read a few weeks ago. It echoed the desires of my own heart about the mom I want to be and the childhood I want to create for my son.

Kelle says this in her post, "The story my kids will tell someday depends on me. I am writing their book, and I want their childhood chapters full of traditions and stories and memories of the comforts of home."

That has sat with me since I read it. Tommy's story is forever linked to my own - who I am, what my own story is, and how I influenced his personality and thoughts and beliefs about life. And along with that, I have the privilege of giving him memories and traditions of things we did every year together as a family. Memories and creating them, are important to me. Probably because I sacredly cherish many of my own from childhood.

I hope we can do some of the same things together - year after year. Build real relationships and traditions, grow as a family, and make memorable memories.

Like searching for the perfect pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.
And having Opa and Oma joining us for our little adventures.
We all went on a hayride together today too.

The last time I was on a hayride was when I was 16 years old. And it reminded me of being a daydreamy teenager who would hope and wonder about taking hayrides with some amazing guy that loved her. Days like today, as I was sitting in the midst of soft straw feeling the breeze hit my face, holding my precious boy in one arm and the hand of my husband in the just makes me smile for my teenage self.

And I had a good imagination, but I could have never dreamed up this face.
It really couldn't have been a more lovely October day. It was one of those days that made me happy not just to be alive, but to be LIVING.

I got the "perfect" picture I've been hoping for. Totally by chance, but I finally got a great one of me and my boy.
I have more to say about tradition and memory-making and things that have been milling around in my heart for awhile about these things. About being a wife and a mom and having my own little family, especially as the holidays are quickly approaching. And those things will come.

But for now, I'm just enjoying all of the memories we made today.

The silly memories.
The pumpkin patch memories.
And the resting on his daddy's chest memories.
Oh, if he remembers anything, it's not the pumpkins and hayrides I hope he remembers. More than anything, I pray he remembers how good and safe and wonderful it was to do that very thing.


  1. I think a lot of the memories we have as adults are things that are random. Sometimes they are the things that REALLY went wrong when we were growing up lol. Traditions are great fun though, for the most part ;)

  2. Love all the pics...he looks SO much like you! But then I see him with your husband and think he looks so much like him. So I guess he's just a *perfect* blend! ;-)

  3. Love all your pics! Tommy is seriously soooo adorable! Looks like you had a fabulous time at the pumpkin patch!
