
July 5, 2012


This was our little slice of America yesterday.  Wimberley, Texas - where the Blanco river is nestled in the quiet beauty of the Texas hill country.
Some friends from church invited us out to celebrate with them and their family and we were thrilled to go.  The day was perfect - everything you could want your Fourth of July to be.  Friends, burgers, American flag inspired desserts, and fireworks.
We went tubing on the river - and dare I say that I might actually becoming a river girl?  I never would have thought.  But it's pretty fun and definitely relaxing!
My sister-in-law and BFF, Tiffany, came in from Ft. Worth to celebrate with us.  It made the day even more perfect just because she's one of my favorite people to be with.
Tommy was thrilled about the day, because holidays mean that things like cookies are usually found in abundance.  He joined us in the river and got pulled around in a red wagon and went exploring with some of his new friends.  By the time we left last night, it was late and it took him maybe two minutes to pass out in the car.
There were new friends.....
 And old friends......
 And my very, very, best in-love-with friend.
 Kids waving flags and watching fireworks.
Fireworks might be the very best part of Independence Day.  Beautiful bright flashes of light going off in the sky.  A picture of what celebrating freedom looks like.  And, I'm thirty-one years old and they still fill me with childlike wonder and excitement.

I felt very aware of freedom yesterday.  Of the things, the rights, the privileges I have because I am an American.  And more so, I felt very aware of my own personal freedom. The freedom that was given to me and paid for by Jesus Himself. 

As I sat in the river dipping my feet in the water and feeling the warm sunshine kiss my skin I whispered a prayer. "Thank you.  For giving me this.  This day, these friends, the ability to be comfortable in my own skin so that I can be in a  bathing suit in front of strangers.  For bringing me to life so that I'm bold enough to try new things.  For softening my heart and making me new - for letting me see where there has been change and it's all because of You.  You are the reason that I am free.  Thank You." 

Hope you all had a magical, wonderful, fun-filled Fourth of July.


  1. Looks like a great day! The river looks very peaceful and relaxing to me! Glad y'all had a great 4th! I love the July 4th centerpieces!!!

  2. You had a perfect day, tubbing makes any day perfect.
