January 4, 2012

Heart Questions

It's that time of year again. I'm lost in filing and paperwork and end of year entries and lots of accounting work. So today, I'm quite literally boxing up 2011 and creating space for 2012. I enjoy the busy work and often times it becomes overwhelming too.

There has been a lot on my heart and mind and I hope that something spills out of my heart onto here this week. After reading some friend's blogs and just spending some quiet time with God, I'm sitting with some questions. I don't have many answers for them yet, but these are just some of the things I'm pondering this early January.

Where will I be with God this year?

What is my "word" for 2012?

What does it mean for God to be my portion?

Where am I willing to risk?

Why am I afraid to dream?

What are my dreams?

How would I see myself if I threw out the "failure" label?

What does it mean to really be a friend to someone?

1 comment:

  1. read you back about 5 posts. or so. lovin your reflection and newness. i do want to spend more time with you, the friend that always has a passion for whatever is happening:)
