March 30, 2012

All about nothing

It's been hard to write beyond bullet points this week.

I've realized that I'm in this place of life where I have to schedule phone chats with friends and book people in advance on my calendar in order to see any of my friends.  And I hate how this feels.  I'm the kind of woman who deeply loves friendships and connection and the absence of them leaves me feeling like I have less and it disrupts how I can even function.

Working full-time again is kicking my butt.  I miss my full day off on Fridays and I miss my day to work from home too.  I miss Tommy and I feel like I'm missing out on him.  I miss the stillness and quiet it provided for me.  I miss mornings in my pajamas and coffee sipped from my favorite mug.  I'm missing the ease of my old schedule.  And in one way or another, I've kind of thrown a fit about it all that I'm missing because I can't change it and I wish that I could.

Instead of hitting the gym last night, I went to bed at 9pm.  Exhaustion had set in and I knew my body needed some significant rest.  And it was the good kind of sleep too because I woke up right before my alarm went off and I was almost ready to get up and take on the day.  *almost* But it's nice to feel more refreshed and alert after getting some much needed rest.

And tonight, I'm going out with my sisters and my step-mom to celebrate her birthday.  And if I can recall this correctly, I'm pretty sure it's the first time EVER we've done anything like this.  I'm expecting for it to be pretty epic.

There isn't a lot on the agenda for the weekend and I'm grateful for that.  Definitely looking forward to some down time.

So even though this was kind of all about nothing, I guess this is me trying to pick myself back up after a week full of disappointments, confusion and excessive bullet points. 

Happy Friday everyone.


  1. It's interesting how much we are affected by time and how much it impacts our emotional life. Glad you got some solid sleep...I went to bed at 8:30 last night. I could hardly BELIEVE it.

  2. My friends and I were just talking about this. Times have really changed from when our parents and grandparents were coming up. Now there's just a million things to do and hardly any time to do them let another get a minute to breathe/rest. Things were so much simpler back then. And the internet, as much as we all love it, is the main culprit I think.
