February 2, 2014

Here's to winter's end

It's February now, which means I survived January.  I've come to realize that I hate winter and all of it's gray deadness, so the countdown for March and the hopeful end to the wave of bitter cold fronts has begun.  Though we may not be snowed under like the rest of the country down here, it's still too cold for my liking.  I mean, I barely own any socks.  Also, I absolutely love me some south Texas sunshine and I have realized that I feel most like me when it is not winter.

We watched The Superbowl tonight.  And I had to laugh at the irony of it all.  I have never in my life sat down to purposefully watch it, and the one year I do, the commercials are lame and the winners win by a landslide.  Though the highlight of the night was a dart gun war with my friend Megan and the dance party in my living room hosted by Bruno Mars.  

My husband gave me some beautiful words on Friday night.  Overwhelmingly glorious words about who I was and how he saw me.  And maybe when you're husband tells you something, with tears streaming down his face, you believe him.  I've been wondering all weekend what it would mean if I really believed that what he said was true about me.

It's been a year ago that Todd left for North Dakota.  It's been a year since we embarked on that whole adventure, which we thought was a job that would result in our moving away.  Yet, here we are, back in the same old routine of life, yet it's all been different too.  The whole experience changed me, hurt me, and grew me.  But it was painful, and the aftermath has been painful.  In some ways, last year's risks and decisions feels like they were but a breath ago, and in others, it feels like a lifetime ago too.

My baby boy turns one at the end of the month.  I keep telling people it's been the longest year that ever flew by.  What a challenge it's been.  I still don't feel like I have this two kids thing down yet AT ALL.  And at the same time, Jacob has brought so much joy into our home that it makes the challenge worth it.

Naturally, I'm planning a party and the "theme" I selected fits him well.  Wait and see.

Cleaning my home this weekend, I found more chili crusted to my dining room chair.  It really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Another cold front blew in today.  Another comes in later this week with more talks of icy rain mixed with snow and sleet.  Which translates to the city shutting down and having to use my heater.  Have I mentioned that I'm not a fan of winter?

It's late and I'm tired.  Yet I've wanted to fill up some kind of space in my little cranny in the blogworld.  Looking back, I wrote all of three times in January.  I've decided winter sucks the life out of me.  And the creativity and writing and my general sparkle.

Here's to winter's end.  Here's to hoping I find more words in February.  And here's to finding more of me.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so hoping that winter is over soon...but the extended forecast sure doesn't look that way!
