August 3, 2011

Your Great Name

Currently, there is a song on the radio that I cannot get enough of. It's one of those songs I could listen to on repeat over and over again.

It speaks to my soul. It reminds me of the power that pulses through my veins because of who I know my God is and who I know I am because I am His. It comforts me when I'm feeling attacked or oppressed. It encourages me when I feel sad or down and the things around me feel like they are so big that they might swallow me up. It fills me with hope because God is who He says He is and my greatest hope is found in Him. It washes me over with unspeakable peace and joy.

I love it when a song has the kind of power to reach that far inside of me. I love that God has the ability to use things like music to minister to every single fiber and atom of my very existence. I am but a vapor and yet He so loves me.

Your Great Name. If you haven't heard this song, PLEASE have a listen. Some of my favorite lines of this song.....

"All condemned have no shame, at the sound of Your Great Name."

"Every fear has no place, at the sound of Your Great Name."

"The enemy has to leave, at the sound of Your Great Name."

"All the weak find their strength, at the sound of Your Great Name."

"The sick are healed and the dead are raised at the sound of Your Great Name."

This morning, this song came on the radio and I began to weep. Instead of singing the lyrics I began singing only His name - Jesus.

Prayers began to pour out of my heart and they are even still.

I feel like I'm stuck here. JESUS.
I can't do this. JESUS.
I'm scared and fearful. JESUS.
I feel knocked down and out for the count. JESUS.
I'm not strong enough. JESUS.
I'm so confused. JESUS.
I need help. JESUS.
I feel lonely here. JESUS.
I can't do this without you. JESUS.
I need you. JESUS.
I love you. JESUS.
I want you. JESUS.
Stay close to me. JESUS.
Your name IS great. JESUS.
I will praise you even now. JESUS.

His name feels like the answer to every prayer of my heart. Every desperate and pleading prayer has only one answer. His Great Name.

The power in His very name comforts my aching heart, it calms my fears, it sends the enemy away, it gives me rest, it gives me life, it gives me hope. His name is great. And this broken woman is lifting up His great name this morning in praise.

Redeemer. My Healer. Lord Almighty. My Savior. Defender. You are my King. JESUS.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. When my wife wrote these lyrics, she wrote them from the very same places that you are writing about. God has a way of piercing our hearts with music like no other way. This is truly a song straight from God's heart to ours. Blessings, Eric Nordhoff
