How pathetic I must be that I can't work AND be mommy AND make dinner AND stay on top of all my chores. I'm a failure at this like I have been at everything else in my life, I would say. And what an ugly thing to say to myself too. Yikes.
There are days still that I wish I could be super-woman and find a way to stay on top of it all so that my life and my home look pristine and perfect and put-together. But that's just not REAL life. And ya'll know - I am all about being real.
These days, I apologize less to my friends when they come over and see toys strewn about or groceries sitting on the coffee table because Tommy has decided to go "shopping" in the pantry again.
Inevitably, piles stack up. Piles of randomness from leftover crafty projects or lessons being worked on, half-made grocery lists, and bills that need paying. Life just accumulates somehow.
Next week marks the beginning of a new work schedule for me. Work has changed a lot in the last year for me too as I've been gradually asked to take on more hours and more responsibility. I'm grateful for a job and employment - I love where I work and who I work for. The company is growing, and in this economy, that's kind of a big deal.
But at the same time, I've been kind of mourning the things I will be missing too. Mostly time with Tommy and the extra time just for me that I've been thoroughly enjoying. Working part-time created the space for me just to learn how to be and to learn what it is that I need in order to take care of myself. It's hard not to be fearful that working full-time again is going to morph me back into the person I was before. The frazzled, exhausted and numbed-out woman who did everything half-assed and just survived and existed day in and day out.
Something in me tells me though that it won't be like last time. I'm different. I know how to take care of myself. I know what I need. I know how to ask for help. I know how to make changes. I feel at peace - like I know I'm gonna be alright.
One thing is for sure though - my house will be just as messy. I'm sure that clothes still won't make it into the hampers and I will still trip over motorcycles on my way to brush my teeth every night.
It's OKAY.
I like this post, it makes a lot of sense. I really don't think it's possible to have a spotless, perfect house AND spend time with people who are important to you as well. Well, maybe it IS possible, but it's definitely not as easy as some people seem to think it is!